
Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 84: Travel to Wellington (April 1, 2011)

Being April Fool's Day, I wanted to write a very silly account of my day. But let's face it -- I'm just not that funny. So here was my day:

Bus to Picton; ferry to Wellington; managed not to throw up; walked to hostel; ate; read; booked future hotels; ate. Fell asleep at an unusually early hour. And did I mention I ate? I was ravenously hungry all day. Maybe my cold is demanding to be fed?


  1. Very cool pictures, I'm very jealous.

  2. I had a very bizarre dream last night that you got married to a New Zealander. You didn't tell anyone about it beforehand, but did post about it on your blog and gave us all updates on the wedding ceremony via Twitter. In my dream I was reassuring mom and dad that it was just an April's Fool Day joke and that you wouldn't really get married without telling us beforehand. I woke up thinking, "that would have been a really good April Fool's Day joke."

  3. Dangit, why didn't _I_ think of that? lol.

  4. No sarcasm at all! I would much rather be in NZ than in my office, I can assure you of that.
