
Hi Noon

I started this blog to write about my travels, but I needed something to write about until I took off.  So starting on September 8, 2010, I took a photo of myself at noon each day, just to focus my blog until I had something meatier.

I originally planned to keep it up for one year, then decided to finish out 2011, since that would also coincide with the end of my travels.  I actually planned to take the last photo on January 1, 2012, but I forgot and figured that was my subconscious telling me it was the right time to end the project.  It wasn't the first photo I forgot, but I surprised myself by forgetting far fewer photos than I expected I would.  Maybe 10 over the course of 15 months.

Here's my favorite photo from the project, which a dear friend said makes me look like a photojournalist, out shooting something exotic: