I thought that having no job and no other obligations -- stuff life kids, mortgage, student loan payments -- would be stress-free. And it was, until preparations for my travels began. Now I'm in a near constant state of worry. Worry that the movers won't show up, or that I missed getting an essential visa, or I forgot to forward some key mail like my w-2s, or I'll get hassled in some foreign country over my prescription medicines, etc. So I have trouble sleeping, then I wake up at 7am (much earlier than usual) because I'll think of something that needs to get done and I'll panic -- or more likely, something I can't control at all -- and who can sleep after that?
As I was writing this, my apartment manager slid the monthly apartment news letter under my door. The "highlight"? "Health Coverage Abroad: Many health insurance plans, as well as medicare, don't provide coverage when you're traveling abroad. So if you're planning a trip overseas, consider buying a supplemental health insurance policy." Now I'll be thinking about that all day. Sigh... Yeah, I'm sighing, but I know I have it pretty good, over all.
A blog? We can comment? We can follow along and kibitz while you hare off into the distance for 4 months? Definitely something to look forward to.