
Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 72: Sydney (March 20, 2011)

I am embarrassed to admit that I spent a large chunk of my last day in Sydney eating, chatting with a friend on the internet, watching a movie, and eating.  Well, embarrassed is too strong a word, because that's how I might have spent any ordinary rainy day if I were at home.  Except I'm not at home, I'm halfway around the world and maybe I should have gone out more instead.  This could be a day where I look back on my trip and wonder if I should have spent at least some of that "wasted" time exploring the town.

Having said that, I don't regret any of the time spent chatting with my friend.  The people I've stayed in closest contact with are not the people I expected to.  It's been a really nice surprise, and I don't feel like my other friends have forgotten me or anything.  But I sure didn't expect that "make new friends at home" would be something that happened while I was away.  :)

So, you get off easy with this post because it's short due to lack of content.  Here's the fourth pet I tended to while in Sydney:
"Mr. Pee"


  1. We haven't forgotten you and we're looking forward to seeing you when you come out here :)

  2. Thanks, but uh... you have cats, right? Are they going to pee on my stuff? ;-)
