
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Next step

A few nights ago, I dreampt I went to Raleigh, NC for a visit.  And somehow, even though I hadn't lived there for 10+ years, my apartment and my furniture were there.  I had two apartments, in fact.  My nicer one, and this weird dump which had my and someone else's furniture in it.  The thing I liked best about the dumpy place was its picnic table, which was made of stone and was very tall, like 10 feet tall, and which was in the street, blocking the right-hand lane of traffic.  Somehow, during all those years, no one had moved it out of the street or run into it.  So I sat there and ate a picnic.  Then I returned to my dumpy apartment to find a weird blonde dude who I kinda sorta knew just getting out of my shower.  I don't know what happened after that.

So it got me thinking... is my dream telling me I've already decided to move to Raleigh?  True, I like it there, but I like a few other places too.  Maybe it's telling me it's time to stop putzing around and start planning my future?  I'll pick door number two.

Obviously, over the past several months, I spent time thinking about where I'd like to live.  You all know that.  Other than visiting several cities around the country, though, I haven't made a systematic effort to figure this out.  So that is what I will spend the bulk of my "work" time over the next couple of weeks doing.  I still might not know at the end of these few weeks where I want to end up, but I will narrow down the list.

Now here's my system.  I've made a list of all of the cities that are still possible contenders.  Every city in which I've lived, every city I liked when I traveled, and two other cities are on the list.  Of the new cities I visited, I only left off three that I knew wouldn't make the cut -- Charleston, Austin and Nashville.  So it's a pretty big list.  But that's OK, because I think much of my research will all be found in a narrow band of research tools (, US Census data, etc.) so the project won't be that much longer just because I have more to think about.

I also made a much longer list of everything I want to consider about each city.  Some of it is from my impressions of the cities when I visited them, and are already written in my blog.  The rest of the items on the list will take some research -- some easy, some hard.  But I've got time on my hands.  Not an infinite amount of time, but time to think and learn as much as possible.  Once I have the data in front of me, I will probably employ a simply ranking method for which elements are most important to me, as well as a method to rank the data within each category.  For example, one of my categories is "Sports."  The category itself won't rank very high because (outside of two discrete sports) I'm not a huge sports fan.  But I suspect I'll find that a city like Chicago will rank higher in that category than, say, Des Moines.  You get the picture.

My goal in this stage is to narrow the list of cities to a short list of 3-4.  Well, if I'm lucky, a clear favorite will emerge, but I doubt it.  If a clear favorite didn't emerge while I was traveling, I don't think one will now just because I stick my nose in a couple of books.

I know from past experience about making big decisions that I am comfortable with my choices if I let my brain learn as much as I can about each option, then let my heart decide.  Not just comfortable, that's how I feel I make the right decisions.  It feels like, first I educate my brain, then my brain educates my heart.  Do I know for sure that will work with this decision?  No, but it can't be worse than picking a city out of a hat.

And now... drum roll, please!... here are the contending cities, in no particular order:

Cleveland (my hometown)
Raleigh (lived there previously)
Washington (lived there previously)
Chicago (an old favorite)
Columbus (another old favorite)
Des Moines (audition city)
Philadelphia (old favorite, audition city)
Asheville (an impromptu audition city)
Denver (audition city)
Portland (audition city)
Los Angeles (added in retrospect when I kept thinking about how nice it was)

And the list of things I will research about each city:

My blog reviews
My impression of people
Ease of transport: Cars
Ease of transport: Public transportation
Ease of transport: Access to airport
Ease of transport: Airport flights to loved ones, costs
Driving distance to loved ones
Average commute times
Variety of neighborhoods
Number and type of neighborhoods that suit me
Cost of housing
Percentage of people in my peer group who are singletons or child-free
Weather: Yearly rainfall, number of rainy days/year
Weather: Winter lows, summer highs
Weather:  General climate
Proximity to fresh water
State water laws that might affect access to water
Major industries in the area
Job prospects in my field
Reciprocal bar membership?
Education: K-12 city (expenditures, class size, pass rate of levies or other taxes)
Education: K-12 metro area
Education: Universities -- proximity, number & size
Arts: Museums & other visual arts
Arts: Performance
Restaurants, bars & casual nightlife
Size of city
Size of metro area
Beauty/ugliness: natural and man-made
Number of friends and loved ones in the area
Gay friendliness
Political leanings of city
Political leanings of state
Special items not available elsewhere

If you have any questions or any suggestions about things I'll want to think about, please chime in with an email to me or a post here!

And if you're still reading my blog, thanks for your patience.  I think I needed a few weeks of sitting around doing very little before I was ready to start this next big project in my life.  I'll continue to update the blog about what I'm up to, and wrap up 2011 too.  :)


  1. Looks like you're moving right along. If you need another stop by Chicago, let Denise and I know!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops, Lafayette isn't on the list!


  4. Sorry, Justin. Lafayette, while charming and solidly in Big 10 country, did not make the cut!
